Demystifying Hashtables and Dictionaries in C#: A Beginner’s Guide

M.F.M Fazrin
5 min readJul 1, 2024


In the realm of C# programming, managing data efficiently is paramount. Hashtables and Dictionaries are two powerful collections that excel at storing data in key-value pairs. However, understanding their nuances is crucial for choosing the right tool for the job. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about these data structures.

1. Type Safety: The Guardian of Data Integrity

1.1. Hashtable: The Flexible, Yet Risky Choice

  • What is Type Safety? Imagine a well-organized library where books are categorized. Type safety ensures that you don’t accidentally shelve a cookbook with philosophy books. It maintains data integrity by enforcing strict data types.
  • Hashtable and Type Safety: Hashtables, defined in the System.Collections namespace, offer flexibility by allowing you to store any data type as both keys and values. However, this flexibility comes at the cost of type safety. They treat all elements as generic object types.
  • Example: You can store an integer as a key and a string as a value.
  • The Downside: Retrieving data requires explicit type casting. If you assume a value is a string but it’s actually an integer, your program might crash during runtime.
  • Code Illustration:
Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();  
hashtable.Add(1, "One"); // Adding an integer key and a string value string value = (string)hashtable[1]; // Explicit casting to string is necessary

1.2. Dictionary<TKey, TValue>: The Fort Knox of Data Types

  • Dictionary and Type Safety: Dictionaries, defined in the System.Collections.Generic namespace, prioritize type safety. When you create a dictionary, you specify the exact data types for keys (TKey) and values (TValue).
  • Compile-Time Checks: The compiler acts as a vigilant guard, ensuring that you only add keys and values of the specified types. This prevents accidental type mismatches and enhances code reliability.
  • Example: A Dictionary<int, string> will only accept integers as keys and strings as values.
  • Benefits: No need for error-prone type casting during retrieval, resulting in cleaner and safer code.
  • Code Illustration:
Dictionary<int, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();  
dictionary.Add(1, "One"); // Type-safe - no casting required string value = dictionary[1];

2. Performance: The Need for Speed

2.1. Hashtable: The Boxing and Unboxing Bottleneck

  • Boxing and Unboxing: A Performance Tax: Hashtables, due to their non-generic nature, introduce performance overhead when dealing with value types (like int, double, bool).
  • Boxing: Converting a value type to an object type. Think of it as putting a small gift in a large box — unnecessary space is used.
  • Unboxing: Extracting the value type from the object box. It’s like unwrapping the gift — an extra step that consumes time.
  • Impact: This constant boxing and unboxing negatively impacts performance, especially when dealing with large datasets or performance-critical applications.

2.2. Dictionary<TKey, TValue>: The Performance Powerhouse

  • Optimized for Speed: Dictionaries, being generic, work directly with the specified data types, eliminating the need for boxing and unboxing. This direct access translates to significant performance gains.
  • Hashing Algorithm: Both Hashtables and Dictionaries use hashing algorithms for fast key lookups. However, the absence of boxing/unboxing gives Dictionaries a clear advantage.

3. Namespace and Assembly: Behind the Scenes Organization

3.1. Namespaces: Organizing Code Like a Library

  • What are Namespaces? Imagine a library with sections for fiction, non-fiction, and children’s books. Namespaces in C# organize code into logical groups, making it easier to manage and prevent naming conflicts.
  • Hashtable: Resides in the System.Collections namespace, which houses non-generic collections.
  • Dictionary<TKey, TValue>: Found in the System.Collections.Generic namespace, dedicated to generic collections.

3.2. Assemblies: Bundles of Reusable Code

  • What are Assemblies? Think of assemblies as containers (like .dll files) that hold compiled C# code. They promote code reusability.
  • Both Hashtables and Dictionaries: Are readily available in the core mscorlib.dll assembly, a fundamental part of the .NET Framework. This means you don’t need to add any special references to use them.

4. Usage: Choosing the Right Tool

4.1. Hashtable: When Flexibility Trumps Type Safety

  • Legacy Code: Hashtables might be encountered in older codebases where generics were not yet available.
  • Interoperability: If you need to interact with older components or APIs that don’t support generics, Hashtables offer a compatibility bridge.

4.2. Dictionary<TKey, TValue>: The Modern Workhorse

  • Performance-Sensitive Applications: When speed and efficiency are paramount, Dictionaries are the preferred choice.
  • Type Safety is Crucial: For applications where data integrity is non-negotiable, Dictionaries enforce type safety, reducing the risk of runtime errors.
  • Modern C# Development: Dictionaries are the standard for key-value pair collections in modern C# development due to their type safety and performance advantages.

5. Key Handling: Nulls Not Welcome

5.1. Hashtable: Null Keys Spell Trouble

  • Null Key Restriction: Hashtables have a strict rule — no null keys allowed. Attempting to use a null key will throw a NullReferenceException.

5.2. Dictionary<TKey, TValue>: Null Key Flexibility with Conditions

  • Reference Type Keys: Similar to Hashtables, if TKey is a reference type (like string), null keys are forbidden, resulting in a ArgumentNullException.
  • Value Type Keys: If TKey is a value type (like int), null keys are not allowed as value types cannot be null.

6. Iteration: Navigating the Key-Value Landscape

6.1. Hashtable: Iteration with Type Casting

  • Manual Type Handling: Iterating through a Hashtable requires manually casting keys and values to their appropriate types.
  • Example:
foreach (DictionaryEntry item in hashtable) 
int key = (int)item.Key;
string value = (string)item.Value;
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", key, value);

6.2. Dictionary<TKey, TValue>: Seamless Iteration

  • Type-Safe Iteration: Dictionaries, thanks to their generic nature, provide type-safe iteration using the KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> structure.
  • Elegant Syntax: No need for manual type casting, leading to cleaner and more readable code.
  • Example:
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> kvp in dictionary)
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

Making the Right Choice

  • Hashtable: Use sparingly, primarily for backward compatibility or when interacting with legacy systems. Its lack of type safety and performance drawbacks make it less suitable for modern C# development.
  • Dictionary<TKey, TValue>: The champion of key-value pair storage in C#. Choose it for its type safety, performance, and ease of use.

By understanding these key differences, you’ll be well-equipped to choose the right collection for your C# projects, ensuring code that is both efficient and robust.



M.F.M Fazrin
M.F.M Fazrin

Written by M.F.M Fazrin

Senior Software Development Specialist @ Primary Health Care Corporation (Qatar)

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